In Re R&B Corporation of Virginia d/b/a Credit Control Corporation, Data Security Breach Litigation

United States District Court Eastern District of Virginia Case No. 4:23-cv-00066-JKW-RJK

If You Received a Notice, This Class Action Settlement May Affect Your Rights    


The United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia 
authorized this Website. You are not being sued.


This is not a solicitation from a lawyer.

  • A Settlement has been reached in a class action lawsuit concerning R&B Corporation of Virginia d/b/a Credit Control Corporation (“Defendant” or “R&B”) and a data incident (the “Data Incident”) that occurred in March 2023, when one or more unauthorized individuals accessed information on a database belonging to R&B, including names and Social Security numbers (“Private Information”).                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
  • The lawsuit is called In Re R&B Corporation of Virginia d/b/a Credit Control Corporation, Data Security Breach Litigation, Case No. 4:23-cv-00066-JKW-RJK (E.D. Va.). The lawsuit asserts claims related to the Data Incident. The Defendant in the lawsuit is R&B Corporation of Virginia d/b/a Credit Control Corporation. R&B denies it is or can be held liable for the claims made in the lawsuit. The Settlement does not establish who is correct, but rather is a compromise to end the lawsuit.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
  • Class Members are all natural persons whose Personal Information was compromised in the Data Security Incident. Excluded from the Settlement Class are: (1) the judges presiding over the Action and members of their immediate families and their staff; (2) R&B, its subsidiaries, parent companies, successors, predecessors, and any entity in which R&B or its parents, have a controlling interest, and its current or former officers and directors; (3) natural persons who properly execute and submit a Request for Exclusion prior to the expiration of the Opt-Out Period; and (4) the successors or assigns of any such excluded natural person.                                                                                                                                                       
  • Class Members are eligible to receive the following relief: (1) up to $2,000 in reimbursement for out-of-pocket losses consisting of actual Documented Losses or expenses resulting from the Security Data Incident, or (2) a flat-fee alternative cash payment that will be determined based on the money remaining in the Settlement Fund after the payment of Fee Award and Costs, Administrative Expenses, Class Representative Service Award, and valid claims for Out-of-Pocket Losses. The Settlement Administrator will post additional information about the payment amount on this Settlement Website. For complete details, please see the Settlement Agreement, whose terms control, available at the Documents section of this Settlement Website.                                                                                                                                                                                      
  • Your legal rights are affected regardless of whether you act or do not act. Please read the Notice carefully.                                                                                                                              


SUBMIT A CLAIM FORMThis is the only way you may receive benefits from this Settlement. The deadline to submit a Claim Form is October 11, 2024.
EXCLUDE YOURSELF FROM THE SETTLEMENTYou will receive no payment, but you will retain any rights you currently have with respect to Defendant and the issues in this case.  You may download an exclusion form at, available at the documents section of this Settlement Website. The deadline to exclude from the Settlement is October 11, 2024.
OBJECT TO THE SETTLEMENTWrite to the Court explaining why you do not agree with the Settlement. The deadline to object is October 11, 2024.
ATTEND THE FINAL APPROVAL HEARINGYou may ask the Court for permission for you or your attorney to speak about your objection at the Final Approval Hearing. The Final Approval Hearing will be held on January 29, 2025, at 11:30 AM ET.
DO NOTHINGYou get no payment, and you give up rights.
  • These rights and options—and the deadlines to exercise them—are explained in this Notice. For complete details, please see the Settlement Agreement, whose terms control, available at the documents section of this Settlement Website.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
  • The Court in charge of this case still has to decide whether to approve the Settlement. No Settlement benefits or payments will be provided unless the Court approves the Settlement, and it becomes Final. On July 31, 2024, the Fairness Hearing was reset for January 29, 2025, at 11:30 AM in Newport News Courtroom 1 before District Judge Jamar K. Walker.

This website is authorized by the Court, supervised by counsel to the Parties, and controlled by the Settlement Administrator approved by the Court. This is the only authorized website for this case.

For more information: 

Call: (833) 383-3353


Write: In Re R&B Corporation of Virginia d/b/a Credit Control Corporation
c/o Kroll Settlement Administration LLC
PO Box 225391 New York, NY 10150-5391

    Important Dates

  • Claims Deadline

    Friday, October 11, 2024
    You must submit your Claim Form online no later than, Friday October 11, 2024, or mail your completed paper Claim Form so that it is postmarked no later than October 11 2024.
  • Objection Deadline

    Friday, October 11, 2024
    You must mail your objection(s) and/or notice of intent to appear at the Final Approval Hearing so that it/they are postmarked no later than October 11, 2024.
  • Opt-Out Period

    Friday, October 11, 2024
    You must complete and mail your Request for Exclusion so that it is postmarked no later than October 11, 2024.
  • Final Approval Hearing

    Wednesday, January 29, 2025
    The Final Approval Hearing is scheduled for January 29, 2025, at 11:30 a.m. (ET) Please check this website for updates.

This website is authorized by the Court, supervised by counsel to the Parties, and controlled by the Settlement Administrator approved by the Court. This is the only authorized website for this case.

For more information: 

Call: (833) 383-3353


Write: In Re R&B Corporation of Virginia d/b/a Credit Control Corporation
c/o Kroll Settlement Administration LLC
PO Box 225391 New York, NY 10150-5391

    Important Dates

  • Claims Deadline

    Friday, October 11, 2024
    You must submit your Claim Form online no later than, Friday October 11, 2024, or mail your completed paper Claim Form so that it is postmarked no later than October 11 2024.
  • Objection Deadline

    Friday, October 11, 2024
    You must mail your objection(s) and/or notice of intent to appear at the Final Approval Hearing so that it/they are postmarked no later than October 11, 2024.
  • Opt-Out Period

    Friday, October 11, 2024
    You must complete and mail your Request for Exclusion so that it is postmarked no later than October 11, 2024.
  • Final Approval Hearing

    Wednesday, January 29, 2025
    The Final Approval Hearing is scheduled for January 29, 2025, at 11:30 a.m. (ET) Please check this website for updates.